“The road is there, it will always be there. You just have to decide when to take it.” – Chris Humphrey This has been years in the making, I can't believe it's actually happening! In 2 days we are driving away from our life in South Carolina. The place where we met. The place where we got married. The place where we both healed. The place where we created 2 perfect little boys. Most of our family is in SC. Most of our friends. All of our memories together. Bittersweet is the only word I can come up with that even begins to encompass how this all feels.
In 2 days we venture off with the 2 of us, our 2 boys, our 2 dogs, our 2 cars, 1 trailer and a partridge in a pear tree! It's a 22 hour drive with no stops. HA! So, in our world, it's a 3.5 day trip with 3 overnight stays. First in Atlanta, next in Mississippi and lastly in Texas. We'll leave on Tuesday morning and hope to arrive at our final destination of Carlsbad, New Mexico on Friday afternoon! Carlsbad is where we'll call home for the next 3 months. In our sweet little Air B&B that's just perfect for our family. We'll have 1 weekend to settle in and make it our home before my contract officially starts on Monday January 4th. Yes, we'll spend NYE in TX and NY day in NM. It's just crazy to think about! The planning involved to get to this point has been absolutely crazy! The preparation is no joke. But somehow, while continuing to work full time and parent full time, we've made things happen and we're making my dream our reality! Thank you for joining us, it means so much! And maybe, just maybe, we can inspire you to take the leap! Take the chance! Say yes to change! Ok, so now that I've typed this out and laid my plans out there for everyone to see, I should probably prepare myself for said plans to go haywire and for chaos to ensue lol! But I'm ok with that, because I can do anything with my family by my side <3